
Showing posts from April, 2018

It Isn’t My Fault!

- Priyanka Jain At times, I cry, for no particular reason. I become snappy, angry, irritated and I feel that the entire universe is against me. What’s more disturbing is that this happens regularly, and every time I feel totally helpless and confused. I become so lazy that I refuse to go away from my bed. I eat as if this would be my last meal and still find myself craving for more. I do stupid things like: Blocking people, unfriending them on social media, deactivating my social media accounts, unnecessarily arguing with people I love and accusing them of being unfaithful to me. I become damn clingy and end up making other people irritated with me. Some of you know by now what exactly I’m talking about. People call it by different names like: Painting the town red, struck down with girl flu, aunt ruby is visiting, ovaries are shedding, leak week, the server is down, it’s my date, riding the cotton pony, et cetera. I prefer to call it simply by the name ‘Periods’. I mean w